Fiction editing services at Seminal Edits
I will consider manuscripts in most genres. Copyediting services are as follows:
Copyediting for fiction
A sample edit will help decide on the ultimate scope and intention of the edit. If needs be, a copyedit of your text will address the following issues:
- Errors in spelling, grammar & syntax
- Consistency
- Pacing & boggy description
- Restoring the ‘music’ of your sentences, where necessary
- Narrative flow
- Authorial voice
- Low-level developmental issues.
From £12/$15 per 1000 words.
Submission Edit
Submitting your manuscript to an agent? Have your first 10,000 words copyedited to make your submission stand out. Edit will be at line level if necessary, and will include extensive comments on any problematic issues your text may have.
Service includes a baseline critique.
£150/$180 for the first 10,000 words of your manuscript.
Manuscript Critique
A detailed appraisal of your manuscript, focusing on the following:
- Mechanics
- Character
- Plot & pacing
- Dialogue
- Narration
- POV.
Includes extensive advice on the developmental and editorial progression of your work.
£500/$650 for a manuscript of up to 80,000 words.
Have your novel formatted to industry standard for publication. Choose from a series of templates, each with a polished and professional finish. PDFs done in InDesign.
£100/$130 for a PDF of up to 80,000 words. £75/$100 for KDP-ready EPUB.
PDF & EPUB bundle for £150/$200.
Developmental Editing
Structural editing of your manuscript that will focus on the following elements of your novel and more:
- Mechanics
- Plot & pacing
- Voice and tone
- Engagement.
Includes one-to-one consultation on the development of your manuscript.
Please contact directly for a quote.
The cost of copyediting and other services appear in pound sterling and dollars. For clients from other countries, please ask for a quote in your own currency. Please note that a 3% conversion fee ($1 min) will be added to invoices paid through Paypal and by international transfer in currencies other than pound sterling.